Monday, 3 May 2010

News update 3/05/2010: Upcoming reviews, request a review and whatnot.

 Hi, lamp-ARR-ski here. From now on, I will accept requests for films/books/comic books/certain games to review. In this news update, you'll find list of upcoming reviews, criteria for request a review, and information regarding voiceover/video reviews I might start doing soon.

Upcoming reviews:
  • Godzilla (American edition from 1998)
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  • Spiderwick Chronicles (film version)
As I said before, I will accept requests for things to review. The two foremost requirements for something for me to review:
  1. Must be bad
  2. Can be downloaded from the Internet or possible to rent from a store, it might also happen that I own a copy of the thing.
Due to crap factor of my current computer, additional limitation for games apply:

  1. For video games: I cannot emulate consoles such as PlayStation or GameCube. I do not own any consoles, so I have to stick with emulators - and there's another problem. If I can't find a ROM for the game, I can't review it.
  2. I can't review games with requirements set higher than my computer can handle, and there has to be memory and processor left for Fraps.
These will change, since I hope for a new computer soon, but until then, there's nothing I can do.

That's all for now.

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