Tuesday, 25 May 2010

A minor rant on people who make blogs about their babies.

Well, there I am, clicking the "next blog" button on my blogger bar. And guess where the fuck do I land - that's right, on a blog someone made for a god damn baby of theirs. And, as it happens often, I do not barf from the cuteness. I barf from the "what the fuck were they thinking?!". Seriously. No one except you care about your kid. I believe George Carlin made himself clear.

Video thanks to AmmonRa801.

So yeah, I believe that this is some kind of child worship. Seriously, there is nothing more annoying than stumbling upon a blog of a saliva-covered three-year-old, whose pictures and videos cover most of the blog - and most of the time there's no text in it at all.

So I'm warning you, child worshippers, don't make me review you.

lamp-ARR-ski, out.

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