Friday, 30 April 2010

Film Review: The Invasion [2007]

How could they fuck up the Body Snatchers?

I never reviewed a film before, but after watching The Invasion, 2007 remake of "The Invasion of Body Snatchers", I really feel like it. See, there are some certain things that change the way you think about world, media, or our culture. The Invasion is definitely one of them. I'd say it's that kind of thing you wish you hadn't touched. It's not bad, it's just boring. And boring is the keyword for this review.
I've seen many boring films and episodes, like all 5 seasons of Lost or those 30 boring me shitless episodes of Star Trek TNG, some films from Bland Shit 101, but never. Ever. Experienced. This... rip-off of rip-offs, this...this...mass of unadulterated blandness this film brings about! I mean, HOW COULD THEY FUCK UP BODY SNATCHERS?